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Window of Opportunity to Maximise Milk from Grass
11th June 2021
Favourable weather conditions have resulted in accelerated grass growth in recent weeks. Laura McConnell, Ruminant Nutritionist with Fane Valley feeds, explains, “As grass growth reaches its seasonal peak, now is the perfect opportunity to maximise milk from grass.” In a bid to help optimise grass utilisation, Fane Valley Feeds publishes a Grass Monitor, which can…
Maximise Compensatory Growth This Spring
10th March 2021
With turnout fast approaching on many farms, it is important to manage store cattle pre-turnout to maximise compensatory growth and to avoid any stalling when animals hit grass.Improving grassland management for beef cattle can significantly increase farm profitability, especially at a time when purchased feed costs are high. Utilising compensatory growth allows costs to be…
Platinum Pro Drives Feed Efficiency This Winter
25th February 2021
In the midst of a challenging winter for dairy farmers, Fane Valley Feeds’ Platinum Pro has helped to improve feed efficiency and has enhanced cow health on many farms across the country. The Platinum Pro range has been specifically designed using the latest research and feeding technology to complement a wide range of forages and…
Improve Rumen Health with Yeast from Fane Valley
3rd February 2021
Feeding yeast and rumen conditioners to cattle can improve rumen health and improve feed efficiency on your farm. With increasing feed costs this winter it is very important to get the most from your feed and lift performance in animals. The Lallemand animal nutrition range carried by Fane Valley Stores contain Levucell SC yeast which…
Fane Valley Feeds’ Guide To A Successful Lambing Season.
20th January 2021
For ewes that are lambing in March or April: During the last 6 – 8 weeks of pregnancy, ewes need to be on a rising plane of nutrition to compensate for the rapid increase in lamb growth, significant reduction in dry matter intake (DMI) and to help to prevent against metabolic disorders, such as twin…
Planning For The Future of Your Dairy Replacements
12th November 2020
With calving season underway on many farms in Northern Ireland, Dr David Johnston, Ruminant Nutritionist at Fane Valley Feeds, discusses some management tips to enhance calf health and performance during the most critical stages. Colostrum post-calvingIt is vitally important that calves receive 3 litres of high quality colostrum within 4-6 hours of birth either through…
Discovering Quality Silage with the Fane Valley Silage Competition
8th October 2020
Fane Valley are running a competition to find the best silage in the province this winter. Any farmer who uses Fane Valley to analyse their silage this winter will automatically be entered into the competition to win 250t worth of grass silage additive for next season. Silage quality is key to good animal performance, reducing…
Unlock The Full Potential For The Next Lactation
20th August 2020
80% of early lactation problems can be related back to the dry period, therefore providing the correct feeding, management and provision of a stress free environment during this stage is essential. In reality, there is a wide variation in dry cow management strategies adopted on farm, therefore there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Whatever…
Improving grassland management and pasture utilisation are key drivers of farm profitability. Given the current market conditions, dairy farmers have a huge incentive to utilise and incorporate spring grass into the diet. Grazed grass is acknowledged as the most cost effective feedstuff available, however, it is not without its limitations and challenges. If it is not…